If you know of a newsworthy announcement from 2016 onward that should be listed here, please email us. This can be for someone you know or even yourself (please don't be shy)! Feel free to submit images to be shared with a news item.
Congratulations to Prof. Blakesley Burkhart and Prof. Kristy McQuinn for their promotions to Associate Professor with tenure!
(April 2024)
Kristy McQuinn has been named the mission head for the Science Operations Center of NASA's Nacy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Congratulations on the new job!
(February 2024)
Congratulations to Graduate Student Diane Salim for being named a 2023 Quad Fellow for gifted STEM students!
(January 2023)
Congratulations to Graduate Students Diane Salim and Lindsey Kwok on recieving the 2022 NASA FINESST Fellowship!
(June 2022)
Congratulations to Prof. Blakesley Burkhart on being awarded the Maria Goeppert Mayer Award!
(October 2021)
Postdoctoral Fellow Yao-Yuan Mao will start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah in the summer of 2022. Congratulations to Yao on the new faculty position!
(September 2021)
Prof. Geraldine Cochran has been promoted to Associate Professor of Practice. Congratulations on the promotion!
(September 2021)
At the summer AAS meeting, Graduate Student Charlotte Olsen received a Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award and Undergraduate Student Avery Kiihne received a Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award Honorable Mention. Both were awarded for their presentations of research on star formation histories. Congratulations to Charlotte and Avery for their amazing work!
(June 2021)
Graduate Student Sabrina M. Appel has been awarded the Peter Lindenfeld Graduate Fellowship for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.
(May 2021)
Prof. Kristy McQuinn and Prof. Alyson Brooks are on one of the JWST Early Release Science teams. These teams will be among the first users of JWST.
(February 2021)
Congratulations to Prof. Blakesley Burkhart for being named a 2021 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow!
(February 2021)
Prof. Blakesley Burkhart has been named a 2020 Packard Fellow. Congratulations!
(October 2020)
Congratulations to Humna Awan for receiving the Harvey Waterman Medal of Excellence from the Rutgers School of Graduate Studies for her Ph.D. Her thesis is titled "Probing Dark Energy with Large Galaxy Surveys: Systematics & Mitigation," and was advised by Prof. Eric Gawiser. This award is the second-highest award given to a graduate student at the entire university!
(September 2020)
Congratulations to Prof. Jolie Cizewski for being awarded the 2020 American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics Mentoring Award!
(September 2020)
Congratulations to Prof. Geraldine Cochran for being elected a 2020 APS Fellow!
(September 2020)
Prof. Eva Andrei has been named a new investigator in the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems (EPiQS) initiative of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation!
(June 2020)
Congratulations to graduate student Angela Coe for being to selected to attend the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting! Angela works with Prof. Eva Andrei.
(March 2020)
Graduating physics major Jennifer Coulter has been offered three prestigious graduate fellowships. These include the NSF GRFP, a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship and a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. Accepting the fellowship from the Department of Energy, Jennifer is heading to Harvard in the fall to continue her study of physics. Congratulations!
(May 2017)
Congrats to Sevil Salur on the promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!
(April 2017)
Prof. Alyson Brooks has received the 2017 SAS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education at the Assistant Professor rank.
(April 2017)
Congrats to Sevil Salur on obtaining tenure and being selected as March 2017 APS Woman of the Month!
(March 2017)
Graduate student Angela Ludvigsen and undergraduate Jenny Coulter receive the NSF GRFP award. Keep up the good work!
(March 2017)
Graduate student Humna Awan, working with Prof. Eric Gawiser, has won an inaugural Fellowship of Excellence in Computational and Data Science for her proposed research on "Big Data in Astrophysics: Clustering Analysis of Partial Galaxies."
(March 2017)
Prof. Rachel Somerville, Downsbrough Chair in Astrophysics and Simons Investigator, has been appointed to the Simons Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) to lead the Galaxy Formation Group. This appointment, anticipated to last three to five years, will be held jointly with her appointment as Distinguished Professor at Rutgers.
(November 2016)
Prof. Eva Andrei is featured in Elsevier's "Virtual Special Issue on Women in Physics," an on-line publication celebrating women in physics in honor of International Woman's Day!
(March 2016)
Congratulations to distinguished Professor Jolie Cizewski for being named the recipient of the 2016 Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award.
(February 2016)