Rutgers Physics News
Departmental News Items
- Rutgers named member of PhysTEC "5+ Club"
- Rutgers SPS Chapter awarded Outstanding Chapter status
- Matt Blackman named 2019 PhysTEC Teacher of the Year
- Gabi Kotliar receives Carl Friedrich von Siemans Research Award
- Vitaly Podzorov's work could speed up next generation electronics
- Hsaing-Hsi Kung receives APS Richard L. Green Award
- Kotliar wins APS Rahman Prize
- Jed Pixley named AFOSR Young Investigators Research Program Award recipient
- Yuri Gershtein named a Senior LHC Physics Center Distinguished Researcher
- Yuri Gershtein, Kristjan Haule, and Saurabh Jha Elected Fellows of the APS
- Jed Pixley wins SCES-2019 Neville Mott Prize
- Bob Bartynski and Girsh Blumberg promoted to Distinguished Professors
- Lucas Hanson receives Leadership Scholarship
- Phil Batson joins Fellows of the Microanalysis Society
- Gabi Kotliar Elected to National Academy of Sciences
- David Vanderbilt elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Matthew Buckley and Sevil Salur receive SAS awards for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education
- Rikab Gambhir, Brandon Gomes, and Mariya Galochkina receive 2019 Goldwater Scholarships
- Aidan Zabalo awarded Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute Fellowship
- Maine Christos to receive Research Excellence Award
- Steven Clark receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Tad Pryor on CBS
- Andrew Baker, Alyson Brooks, and Chuck Keeton recognized by University
- Phil Batson receives award from Microscopy Society of America
- Alyson Brooks, Weida Wu, and Kristjan Haule promoted
- Geraldine Cocran receives Homer L. Dodge Citation from AAPT
- Hsaing-Hsi (Sean) Kung wins 2019 Northeast Association of Graduate Schools Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Dave Maiullo recognized by SAS
- Prasiddha Arunachalam and Adam Broussard win AAS award
- Former graduate student Kshitij Wagh working on HIV vaccine design
- Blakesley Burkhart wins Annie Jump Cannon Award
- Rutgers SPS awarded Distinguished Chapter status
- Sang-Wook Cheong and Saurabh Jha make 2018 Clarivate Analytics list
- Girsh Blumberg and Scott Thomas elected 2018 Fellows of AAAS
- Professor Wilma Olson named 2018 Fellow of APS
- Professor Sang-Hyuk Lee uses 2018 Nobel Prize winning optical tweezers techniques to study molecular forces in biological systems
- Eric Gawiser named 2018 Fellow of the APS
- Alyson Brooks wins Maria Goeppert Mayer Award from APS
- Jaki Noronha-Hostler wins DOE Early Career Award
- Geraldine Cochran writes in APS on diversity, inclusion and equality
- Prof Chakhalian's group creates new class of 2D artificial materials
- Sean Oh and Sunil Somalwar promoted
- Prof Weida Wu's group presents direct evidence of robust ferromagnetism in QAH system
- Saurabh Jha and Mike Gentile win SAS Awards
- Saurabh Jha on NJTV about TESS
- Anshuman Panda awarded NJ Commission on Cancer Research Fellowship
- Elaad Applebaum awarded Blue Waters Fellowship from NCSA
- Daniel Brennan awarded Louis Bevier Dissertation Completion Fellowship
- Maine Christos wins Goldwater Scholarship
- Chad Ummel to receive 2018 Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
- Rutgers leads nation in producing physics teachers
- Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler awarded Sloan Fellowship
- Ron Gilman selected Career Mentor of the Year
- Bob Bartynski elected fellow of American Vacuum Society
- Rutgers named a Distinguished SPS Chapter for 2016-17
- Prof. Eva Andrei's group discovers a new method to control Dirac electrons in graphene
- Chiral spin mode discovery
- Tom Devlin receives 2017 Mentoring Award
- Recent faculty promotions
- Jesse Rivera's Congressional visit featured at AAS
- Eva Andrei and her group discover new cooling properties of graphene
- Jennifer Coulter offered 3 graduate fellowships
- John Paul Chou recognized by Board of Trustees
- Baki Brahmia, Alyson Brooks, and Aniket Patra receive SAS Awards
- Board of Governors promotes John Paul Chou and Sevil Salur
- Viktor Krapivin wins 2017 Goldwater Scholarship
- Jennifer Coulter and Angela Ludvigsen awarded NSF Graduate Fellowships
- Humna Awan awarded Fellowship of Excellence in Computational and Data Science
- Aniket Patra awarded 2017 Dean's Award for Excellence in Research
- Jasen Scaramazza awarded Bevier Fellowship
- Gabi Kotliar named a 2017 Simons Fellow
- Sevil Salur named APS Woman Physicist of the Month for March 2017
- Joel Lebowitz's Statistical Mechanics Conference featured in Physics World
- Board of Governors promotes Saurabh Jha
- Rachel Somerville named Group Leader at Simons Center for Computational Astrophysics
- Natan Andrei awarded Lars Onsager Prize
- Sang-Wook Cheong and Saurabh Jha listed by Thomson Reuters among Highly Cited Researchers of 2016
- 50 years of excellence in nuclear physics graduate education at Rutgers
- Board of Governors promotes Eva Halkiadakis and Vitaly Podzorov
- Andrew Baker measures precise black hole mass with ALMA
- "That Physics Show" on Broadway is a hit!
- Scott Thomas awarded 2016 Board of Trustees Award for Research Excellence
- Jennifer Coulter wins 2016 Goldwater Scholarship
- Eva Andrei featured in Elsevier on-line volume celebrating International Women's Day
- Isolated graphene vacancy can act like artificial atom
- Jolie Cizewski receives 2016 Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award
- Rutgers a Distinguished SPS Chapter for 2014-15
- Saurabh Jha's SALT observations confirm most luminous supernova ever
- Len Feldman named 2016 IEEE Fellow
- Joel Lebowitz elected Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
- HEX researchers win LPC honors
- Peter Lindenfeld: Helping Students Overcome "Physics Phobia"
- Dave Maiullo brings physics to off-Broadway
- Weida Wu and Sean Oh receive $2M Emerging Frontier Award from NSF
- Kotliar Lands Large DOE Center on Strongly Correlated Materials
- Saurabh Jha listed as among Highly Cited Researchers of 2015
- Greg Moore receives 2015 Dirac Medal
- Matthew Walker named LPC Distinguished Researcher
- Alumnus Matt Hill member of New Horizons Pluto team
- Yuri Gershtein promoted to Professor 1
- David Shih receives 2015 Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Research
- Rouven Essig receives 2015 Henry Primakoff Award
- Brian Dennis and Girsh Blumberg make advances that could miniaturize photonics
- Board of Governors promotes David Shih, Chuck Keeton and Rachel Somerville
- Aditya Parikh wins Goldwater Scholarship
- Yanan Geng granted the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad
- Alyson Brooks awarded Sloan Research Fellowship
- Schommer Prize Established
- Major Stride in Explaining "Hidden Order" Physics Mystery
- Sang-Wook Cheong Elected to Korean Academy of Science and Technology
- Rutgers Hosts 2015 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
- Halkiadakis, Kiryukhin, and Thomas named APS Fellows
- Baker and Bartynski named AAAS Fellows
- Saurabh Jha to share in 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- Graduate student represents Rutgers and U.S. at Vatican Observatory Summer School
- Peter Lindenfeld Graduate Fellowship
- Nathaniel Craig of NHETC named Blavatnik Finalist
- "Zombie Star" discovered
- Sang Cheong and Sean Oh receive Moore Foundations Awards
- Pankaj Mehta - P&A PhD 2006, named 2014 Simons Investigator
- Claud Lovelace's Contributions to String Theory Noted in Popular Media
- Sang-Wook Cheong listed by Thomson-Reuters as one of Most Influential Scientific Minds: 2014
- Rachel Somerville named a 2014 Simons Investigator
- Piers Coleman and David Vanderbilt named Simons Fellows
- David Maiullo named inaugural Fellow of AAPT
- Joel Lebowitz awarded medal by the French Academy
- Rutgers SPS Chapter awarded Outstanding Chapter status