Geometry and Physics Seminar
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
Seminars are on Mondays or Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. in Serin E372
(unless otherwise stated)
All welcome!
Organizers: Lev Borisov (Math), Christopher Woodward (Math), Emanuel Diaconescu (NHETC)Day | Title | Speaker | Speaker's Host. |
Sept. 21 |
Cohomological Hall Algebra of a Curve |
Francesco Sala (IPMU) |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
Sept. 28 |
Symplectic geometry of $\ol{M}_{0,n}$. |
Christopher Woodward |
Oct. 5 |
Exceptional collections in equivariant derived categories of smooth toric varieties |
Lev Borisov |
Oct. 26 |
Hitchin systems in terms of Calabi-Yau threefolds |
Florian Beck |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
Nov. 13 |
Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Mirrors, and Moduli |
Charles Doran (University of Alberta) |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
Nov. 20 |
Motivic classes for moduli of Higgs bundles and moduli of connections on a curve |
Alexander Soibelman (University of Southern California) |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
Guangbo Xu |
Christopher Woodward |
Feb. 8 |
Nested Hilbert schemes, local Donaldson-Thomas theory, and Vafa-Witten / Seiberg-Witten correspondence |
Artan Sheshmani (Harvard) |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
Feb. 22 |
Geometry and Physics of Double Affine Hecke Algebra |
Satoshi Nawata |
Emanuel Diaconescu |
March 1 |
Symmetries of Hamiltonian actions of reductive groups and of
supersymmetric gauge theories |
David Ben-Zvi |
Christopher Woodward |
March 15 |
No Talk. Spring break. |
May 3. |
Witten conjecture for Mumford's kappa classes |
Renzo Cavalieri |
Nicola Tarasca |
Last Updated: 7/2/2018br>