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Experimental Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics Resources on the web
Nuclear Physics Laboratories:
- Argonne Physics Division, including the ATLAS accelerator
- Brookhaven, including the workshop on 21st century AGS experiments
- CEBAF, including Hall A
- CERN links to most intermediate and high energy laboratories throughout the world
- Fermilab
- Indiana University Cyclotron Facility
- Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, including the 88-Inch Cyclotron and Gammasphere
- Mainz MAMI, including the A1 Collaboration
- Michigan State National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
- MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science includes Bates Laboratory and the Center for Theoretical Physics
- Yale University Experimental Nuclear Physics writeup
APS, DOE, NSF, other resources:
Please send any comments on this page to Ronald Gilman, rgilman@physics.rutgers.edu.
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