The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at
promises to completely revolutionize current particle physics.
The LHC collides protons at a center of mass energy up to 14 TeV, seven
times higher than that of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, and at a luminosity
more than ten times greater.
CMS discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012, the last missing ingredient of the
Standard Model.
Understanding the properties of the Higgs
will provide important information on the
Higgs mechanism that is believed to be the source of all mass.
Most excitingly the LHC will likely yield discovery of supersymmetry (SUSY) the ultimate symmetery of nature. The LHC should provide the discovery of most of these supersymmetric partners leading to a very extensive research program of sorting out their mass spectra and branching ratios. Experiments at the LHC may also address other more exotic possiblities such as extra space-time dimensions. The Compact Muon Spectrometer (CMS) is one of two large detector facilities built to do experiments at the LHC.
This is a custom-designed, radiation-hard IC that will orchestrate the readout of the the pixel detector. The chip was designed at Rutgers and has been fabricated in the IBM 0.25um process. A TBM upgrade for CMS for the SuperLHC is currently being designed here. | |
The PLT is a novel luminosity monitor for CMS using pixelated silicon sensors to detect particle tracks. The pixels have the same pattern and dimensions used in the CMS Pixel detector and bumpbonded to a standard CMS Pixel readout ASIC. Rutgers designed and lead the construction of this detector. Rutgers also designed several custom ICs for this detector. It has been reliably taking data since 2015 even though the sensors show signs of radiation damage. The PLT is scheduled for a complete rebuild including new sensors for the LHC restart in 2021. |
Rutgers physicists lead several analysis efforts, and have evaluated in detail sensitivity to new physics with early LHC data. Given our extensive Tevatron experience, our strong point is realistic evaluations of the Standard Model backgrounds, which leads to robust analyses suitable for LHC startup. We also work closely with Rutgers theorists to develop search strategies for new physics that could be missed by standard search techniques.
Our analysis efforts include: