Title: Tensionless AdS3/CFT2 and single trace TTbar
Abstract: One of the few cases of AdS/CFT where both sides of the duality are under good control relates tensionless k=1 strings on AdS3 to a two-dimensional symmetric product CFT. Building on prior observations, we propose an exact duality between string theory on a spacetime which is not asymptotically AdS and a non-conformal field theory. The bulk theory is constructed as a marginal deformation of the k=1 AdS3 string while the spacetime dual is a single trace TT-deformed symmetric orbifold theory. As evidence for the duality, we match the one-loop bulk and boundary torus partition functions. This correspondence provides a framework to both learn about quantum gravity beyond AdS and understand how to define physical observables in TT-deformed field theories.
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