Title: Classification of Unitary RCFTs with Two Primaries and c < 25
Abstract: I will present a classification of all unitary, rational conformal field theories with two primaries, central charge c < 25, and arbitrary Wronskian index. (Work in collaboration with Brandon Rayhaun, arXiv: 2208.05486). These are shown to be either certain level-1 WZW models or cosets of meromorphic theories by such models. By leveraging the existing classification of meromorphic CFTs of central charge c ≤ 24, all the relevant cosets are enumerated and their characters computed. This leads to 123 theories, most of which are new. It will be emphasised that this is a classification of RCFTs and not just consistent characters.This work makes use of early results in the classification of RCFT using modular linear differential equations and cosets, the relevant background will be reviewed.
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