Scope of Course. Many body physics provides the
framework for understanding the collective behavior of
vast assemblies of interacting particles. This course
provides an introduction to this field, introducing you to
the main techniques and concepts, aiming to give you
first-hand experience in calculations and problem solving
using these methods. |
Introduction to Many Body Physics. The content of this course, with additional material will be my book "Introduction to Many Body Physics", published by Cambridge University Press and available on Amazon ![]()
references (Check it
out- this is a great link). |
Ex 1 Answers to Ex1 Ex 2 Answers to Ex2 Ex 3 Answers to Ex3 Ex 4 Answers to Ex4 Ex 5 Answers to Ex5 Ex 6 (Return to top) Note: this material is copywritten and should not be posted without permission. |
12.10 pm on Monday and Thursday in Serin 287E. Thank you everyone for voting for this new time-slot. See: google_sheet. Occasionally, to make up for my travel, we will hold an additional class at a time we have to determine. I apologize for this inconvenience. Office hour: 9:50am Tuesday or by arrangement. Tel x 9033 Assessment: Assessment will be made on the basis of weekly assignments, a take-home mid-term and a take-home final exam. I want to encourage an interactive class and will take this into account when grading! (Return to top) |
(Return to top) Schedule (Currently in evolution - please check back for final schedule) :
(Return to top) |